
How to Increase Traffic to WordPress Blog Through Social Networks

For those interested in how to increase traffic to WordPress blog, I will now complimentary show and tell something that website promotion consultants ask money for.

So, if you’ve decided to increase traffic to WordPress blog through social networks, there is no better tool than to ask, as the Bible says “Ask and it shall be given”. There is, of course, one small thing – we will be asking via a special plug-in for increasing traffic, which is called the Social Locker. This means that before reading the article on your website, the user must perform an action (unlock) by content distribution in one of the social networks, either Facebook, Twitter, Google plus or others.

How to increase traffic to WordPress blog

It comes from my personal experience; in order to dramatically increase traffic to WordPress blog, the best is to use Facebook. That is, the user will have to click on Like or Share – two golden buttons that increase traffic from Facebook.

About the plugin

Social Locker – is a top Plug-in for WordPress, in its field it holds the first place regarding sales and usage. It has the best feedback from users. I have never seen bad reviews, and have indeed nothing bad to say about it. The workout of this plug-in has provided results that dramatically changed my income and my understanding of promotion in online networks, since I used to think that any promotion of a website or a blog was possible only with significant investments.

The plug-in and SEO

The plug-in has a positive effect on search engines, as search engine algorithms monitor the interactivity of blogs with social networks, thereby give your site a good search result. The plug-in blocks content for users, BUT NOT for search robots.

Where to download the plug-in

You can download the plug-in, click on this link, the cost of a lifelong increasing of traffic through social networks is $24, to buy you must create an account on the site, it will take no more than 2 minutes.

Installing the plug-in

After you bought the plug-in, find the “Downloads” on the site in the user menu. Then go back and download the plug-in (all files). Then go to your WordPress site, click “Add Plug-in”, put the on the site (automatically set), then move on to setting up and using the plug-in. You will find the plug-in activation code in the downloaded file in the folder Licensing.

How to use the plug-in

How to increase traffic? It seemed a great issue in the beginning of my blogging career. Probably you are feeling the same now. It is very easy both to increase traffic to your blog and to use the plug-in. The plug-in was developed to be user friendly. Go to the “usage of plug-in”, create a new format of articles blocking or use the one that is there. Thus, you create and write the text that will appear in the window lock.

Window lock

There you’ll see not so many settings. I’ll tell you about the most important; you’ll easily understand all the others.

Choose the design of the locking windows; turn on social networking buttons Like, Twitt etc. But the less is the better, I used only one button (Like or Share), since all of my users had Facebook accounts. You can use Facebook and Google Plus. And if you are not sure that your users have a Facebook account, or if a user does not use social networking sites, then unlock content after a certain time (1-2 minutes).

On the same page you will see the setup code in this format: <View> </ Close>.

To make the lock-formula that you have created work well, you have to insert it into the article (edit the article). If you want to block the full article, insert <Open> in the beginning of the article and </ Close> at the very end. If you are blocking only a part of the post (photos, video, file for download or a piece of text), put the same before and after the blocked fragment.

You can also watch the interesting usage statistics in the plug-in menu “Statistics”.

My record and output

Sometimes we create difficulties ourselves. Instead of having to pay or suffer for years trying to achieve good traffic, you can use this plug-in. I hope you have no more questions why I recommend it to you.

increase traffic to WordPress blog through social networks

In this picture you can see my record – 47,486 Likes per day. This brought me 300,000 users a day through Facebook. Just warning you, if you have a weak server, prepare for hassle and, eventually, to transition to a more powerful hosting. Good Luck!

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