E-commerce WP Themes

20+ Proven WooCommerce Themes – WP eCommerce 2016

There is no trick in a post name – we actually monitor the market, test new WordPress themes and, as a result, bring to your notice only proven WooCommerce WordPress themes for ecommerce.

Dear Friends! After you look through this template collection for an e-shop, I advise you to return back in order to follow the link and evaluate the Best Woocommerce themes for an online shop 2016, another collection that reflects the latest crazes of the day in relation to a WordPress-based online shop.

Website is a powerful and cost-effective advertising tool, which may be used for building relations with target customers and demonstration of the best features of a product or a service. However, a website may be even something bigger than just an advertising instrument, since you can turn it into an online store.

Due to WooCommerce integration, you will be able to sell almost anything you wish online. With this fantastic and proven by thousands of web-designers e-commerce plug-in, you will be able to transform your common website or portfolio into an online shop. Websites working on WooCommerce have an intuitive user interface that may be used for management of goods. Its features allow monitoring efficiency and evaluating the progress of your online business. This dynamic e-commerce plug-in allows you to sell anything via your website without touching a single line of code.

Themes with WooCommerce support, as a rule, are used for websites that sell clothing, digital products, cosmetics, any physical and virtual products, etc. If you want to create a professional ecommerce website, consider proven premium WooCommerce WordPress themes listed below. You will be pleased by the fact that all premium themes support Russian, and you won’t have any problems with translation.

20+ Proven WooCommerce Themes – WP eCommerce 2016


Proven WooCommerce Themes - WP Ecommerce 2016

Having been created exclusively for online shops, Oxygen is a WooCommerce theme that offers a big variety of options for website appearance, which you may achieve through the theme setup panel.

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Proven WooCommerce Themes - WP Ecommerce 2016

North is a WordPress theme for WooCommerce, which deserves a hundred stars rather than just five! It features a professional mobile layout, powerful plug-ins and great support. It clearly stands out against the other ones!

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Proven WooCommerce Themes - WP Ecommerce 2016

The Look is a clean, professional and, in my opinion, the most attractive WooCommerce theme for an online store. Being delivered with a great number of remarkable options, it is completely responsive and looks amazing on different types of displays and devices.

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Andy Parker

Proven WooCommerce Themes - WP Ecommerce 2016

Andy Parker is a WordPress theme that combines minimalistic design and many customized options in order to help you with creating an outstanding narrow-specific online store. Andy Parker enables displaying products in any proportion by automatically changing size of the images in accordance with your needs to achieve the best results.

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Seed – wealth food shop

Proven food WooCommerce Themes - WP Ecommerce 2016

Seed is a very clean and professional in appearance WordPress template, which undoubtedly deserves bigger attention! Template is completely flexible and compliant with the majority of devices and browsers. It is delivered with a bunch of premium plug-ins. Due to WooCommerce, you will easily make your own e-shop or merchandize catalogue.

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BEBO — Book Issue CD / DVD Store Public Library WP

Proven bookstore WooCommerce Themes - WP Ecommerce 2016

Have you ever heard of a marketing campaign by John Reese, who earned over one million dollars in 24 hours? The thing is he has his personal website where he introduces new products some time before launching. That’s why Bebo should get you interested – books’ authors, publishers, artists, etc., who want to increase their income and worldwide reputation before and after introduction of their product in the market.

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Kinetico — WordPress theme for eCommerce

WordPress theme for digital eCommerce

Kinetico is a responsive clean theme for e-commerce, which is focused on digital products. Well-organized, proper .psd files will make the setup process easy, while the meshed design will let you easily change the layout structure. Kinetico has been built with consideration of WooCommerce, but will work perfectly with other e-commerce platforms as well.

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Minimal WordPress eCommerce theme

Sink is created for any kind of Internet and e-commerce business. It has very up-to-date minimalistic design, and is completely compatible with WooCommerce. It is the most popular e-commerce platform for WordPress.

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fashion WordPress eCommerce theme

Luxy is an HTML template for e-commerce. Its single-page version is suitable for small shops. Luxy’s design is clean and modern; it has all the necessary sections for a shop. Its multi-purpose version features all needed elements for an online shop template.

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MediaCenter — WooCommerce theme for an electronic online store on WordPress

WooCommerce theme for an electronic online store on WordPress

MediaCenter is a WordPress theme that is clean, modern, and responsive. You can customize it as you wish and use for your store based on WooCommerce plugin, which is the most popular plugin for electronic commerce for WordPress.

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Velo — ready e-shop for selling bicycles on WordPress

a ready e-shop for selling bicycles on WordPress

Velo is an attractive WordPress theme, and if you are creative, this theme is surely a distinctive choice for demonstration of your proficiency, photography, video and illustration. With Velo you will tell the entire world how you aim for style, identity and balance.

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Bronx — responsive WooCommerce theme

responsive WooCommerce theme

Bronx is a WooCommerce theme for WordPress. It is SEO optimized, allows to build any layout you may invent with the help of Visual Composer. The theme supports any post format of the blog – image, video or text.

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AZ – WordPress theme for a furniture online store

furniture wp themes

AZ is a powerful and responsive WordPress theme that has a big number of various features and is flexibly configured. You won’t need to dig in the style sheet or change a mesh structure in order to get a layout that you need. This is because when using WordPress Customizer, you will be able to manage every aspect of your website by using live preview before posting.

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Space – minimalist, clean WooCommerce theme

Minimalist, Clean WooCommerce Theme

Space is a clean WordPress theme with WooCommerce integration and minimalism style. It is responsive, looks great on any screen and device. You may use it with MailChimp, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce Email, etc.

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Noren- shop WordPress WooCommerce theme


Noren is a WordPress theme with a “square style”. This deems to be the new design trend in 2015. Noren has a neat look and smooth layout, that would suit any kind of e-store. Moreover, it works on the WooCommerce basis!

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Constance – full Width AJAX WooCommerce Theme

AJAX WooCommerce Theme

Sometimes you want to have a simple WordPress for your e-store. Constance is the one, based on WooCommerce with usage of ajax filtering in the product page. The theme will meet requirements of any shop, small or medium business, or a personal portfolio.

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Pet Store – WordPress WooCommerce theme for pets and vets

WordPress WooCommerce Theme for pets and vets

Name of this template, Pet Store, speaks for itself, for this WordPress theme is designed for the pet stores, animal shelters, animal trainers and other pet lovers.

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Perfect cosmetics WordPress theme
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E-commerce WP Themes
Top WordPress WooCommerce Themes for e-Commerce 2016
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