Best WordPress Themes and Plugins

Most Popular WordPress Themes 2015 are Free

In this article I will tell you about the most popular WordPress themes 2015. I start with definition of the most popular themes, based on my 5-year experience with numerous paid WordPress templates.

Well, a popular WordPress theme is the one that was downloaded by more than 10 thousand users. All the popular WordPress themes are free.

Most popular WordPress themes 2015

All the most popular WordPress themes 2015 can be found on the official website or following this link:

The most popular theme at the moment – Twenty Twelve, it was downloaded more than 1,690,401 times, and it was updated last time on 12.18.2014, it means that this theme may fail when operating, because the WordPress platform does develop and is updated almost every month. At the moment when I write this, WordPress is updated to the version 4.1.1.

 What is good about using popular / free WordPress themes?

  • There are many popular themes, and you can try more than one thousand templates, I have given the link above;
  • You need not spend $50 for the “lifelong” acquisition of a beautiful and multi-functional WordPress theme.

I personally, as an experienced user, do not see any other benefits in simple and popular templates. Still I think you should try them, and if our opinions come together, you will have to fork out a bit.

I am a guy from a village, and with your permission, in order to compare popular-free and premium-paid WordPress themes, please look at the two photos below. Life shown there is in about the same relation as paid and free WordPress templates. Just do not consider me to be a snob 🙂

 Most popular WordPress themes 2015

This example perfectly reflects my view regarding premium and free WordPress themes / templates. I wonder in which of two pictures you see yourself… Well, you understand, surely, what I mean!

What is wrong about using popular / free WordPress themes?

  • Free themes are rarely updated, thus they are not keeping pace with new trends and technologies;
  • Technical support, in most cases it does not exist, if something happens, you will have to hire a programmer if you cannot fix it yourself;
  • The uniqueness, come on, does anything at all stay unique in the popular theme? This means that you will not be remembered as the website with original design.

I strongly recommend you to use premium templates, which will help you to get recognized among crowds of websites, which are famous for banal and unattractive design.

In 2015 I began using themes from elite publishers that present beautiful and unique WordPress templates: and For me they became a source of original premium templates that are paying out thanks to their original design, a good tech support, in addition they always take into account current trends and technologies. Everything you need to do is to choose the right theme.

If you do not understand how to choose the right WordPress template, please leave a comment and we shall help to make the right choice of a good template, which you will be proud of! Good luck, I wish you all good blogging!

P.S. You also can find some most popular WordPress themes amongst premium templates, but I would not recommend to use them if you are seeking a unique originality!

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